Thursday 29 June 2017


This list includes: Wonder Woman, A Dog's Purpose, Before I Fall, Fallen, Fifty Shades of Grey Darker, La La Land, The Duff, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Veronika Decides to Die, Finding Dory.


It's about what you believe.
RATING: 8/10 ; I teared up.
SUMMARY: Backstory of Wonder Woman
REVIEW: I wasn't really going to watch this at first (because we planned on watching Pirates but the schedule was late) but afterwards I felt no regrets. It was a movie worth watching in the cinema. Gal Gadot was amazing as Wonder Woman. I love her and she's really pretty. I love the movie. It made me feel happy at some point but it made me really sad at some. I teared up near the ending (the scene before Diana's anger was triggered). The plot was very interesting (even though it was kind of slow at first). I love watching Diana's reactions towards small things like the ice cream. Her wonder and amazement at the small things outside the island she lived in was lovely. The only issue that I had was that it had quite many slow motion scenes. It got somewhat annoying after a while. However, the fight scenes were still pretty awesome. Chris Pine is one of my ultimate crushes so I was really happy that he was there. Plus, I was also really amazed when I found out that Gal Gadot was 5 months pregnant during the shooting.


'Just be here now. Be. Here. Now.'
RATING: 8.5/10 ; I teared up.
SUMMARY: A dog searches and narrates about his purpose in life.
REVIEW: My friend suggested this to me and I was curious because I saw KJ Apa (Archie in Riverdale) in the poster. I really loved this movie. It was a very heartwarming film. It made me really happy and really sad at some points. Each of the dogs used were really adorable, fluffy, and cute. That dog is my spirit animal. I love that it was Josh Gad who voiced the dog because it will make you happier if you realize that he voiced Olaf in Frozen (which is also a very happy character). I cried a bit at the ending because it was precious af. If you're a dog lover, be sure to watch this or if you just want something to cheer you up. IT'S VERY PRECIOUS <3.


'And what you do today matters. In the moment, and maybe into infinity.'
RATING: 7/10; Probably teared up as well.
SUMMARY: Sam repeats her last day alive over and over again. Overtime, she realizes some important things; Based on a book by Lauren Oliver.
REVIEW: I forgot much about the book (I read it back in 2012 or 2013) but I feel that it was an great adaptation of it. Zoey Deutch was able to portray Sam very well. I like that we kept seeing different sides of Sam as she came to realize what was wrong in her life. She was able to realize what's important to her. The other characters seemed irrelevant and there are some holes to the story like as to why it was her that experienced that but that's also the issue from the book (If I remember correctly). For me, I think that she was the one chosen because she was the bystander. Sure, she didn't do much negative stuff but she let it happen. She let her friends bully a person who's just really dark and weird. She just didn't care at the time. I'm glad that she realized what she needed to do and she was able to redeem herself in the end. Some parts where heartbreaking (especially where Kent is involved) and I really wished the ending could have been different but it was a nice movie all in all. It tells us to be careful of what we say or do to another person because it could affect them negatively.


'Just as it always has been.'
RATING: 3.5/10
SUMMARY: Luce gets sent to a reform school where she finds herself attracted to another student whom she feels she knows from somewhere; Based on a book by Lauren Kate.
REVIEW: It wasn't a bad adaptation but it was a disappointing one. I didn't like this movie because it felt so different from the book. Sure, they followed much of the major scenes of the book but they were in a different order and many of the relationships between characters were removed. I hate that they removed Luce's friendship with Arriane. I like them together as friends in the book. Arriane was such a badass friend to have. I also hate that the other angels didn't seem to care. Like, they were just there as audiences. They make bets and treat it as if it was a joke. I also didn't like majority of the casts. They looked really young and not at all angelic. I don't feel any angel vibe when I see them. Also, most of them had little appearances. Only the three love triangle and Penn had much scenes and lines. Also, it felt so sudden that Daniel finally just opened up to Luce after he treated her bad at the start. They also changed some scenes that were for certain characters with another character. The backstory of the some of the characters were also changed like Daniel not having any record but in the book it said that he was from an orphanage. There were only two things that I like which were the wings and Penn. I really loved the wings they created. It was bright and amazing looking. Not like I imagined they would be but pretty awesome. I love Penn so much in the movie. She was very supportive of Luce and was always there to comfort her. I hate what happened to her.


'You wanted hearts and flowers.'
RATING: 6.3/10; I am shocked that it managed to make me cry.
SUMMARY: Christian Grey and Ana Steele tries to make things work and they try to get past the obstacles that get in their way; Based on a book by EL James.
REVIEW: First of all, I really like the Fifty Shades trilogy. I did not like the first book adaptation but this is better. I found it accurate to the book which really made me happy. I liked seeing the story in movie form. Dakota and Jamie still had little chemistry but it was better than the first movie. I did not feel what I felt in the book but it was able to make me feel something positive (unlike the first where I felt bored). I actually enjoyed it a lot. If you want to watch this because of the sex scenes, don't. It will disappoint you. I feel that the second and third book did not focus on that much. Sure, it occurred many times in the book but it wasn't really the main focus anymore so I didn't expect that much from this adaptation. Sadly, some of the scenes felt rushed. Like, they tried to pack every major point of the story but some were like seen briefly. Overall, I still like the film. It managed to make me feel things that made me happy and some that made me sad.


'People love what other people are passionate about.'
RATING: 7.8; I kept saying no and crying near the epilogue and the epilogue.
SUMMARY: A jazz enthusiast falls in love with an aspiring actress.
REVIEW: First of all, I loved all the songs. The beats were fun and exciting to listen to. When there is a slow song, you can really feel the lyrics. Especially Mia's audition song. Second, I love Emma Stone. I just kept fangirling over her majority of the film. Plus, her I love her wardrobe. Third, the cinematography was perfect. The setting of the scenes and shots of the film was really pretty to see. Fourth, the dancing was amazing. I love how in-sync they are even though they didn't really know each other at first (Also, the crowds). I really don't know why I thought this would make me really happy. The epilogue broke my heart into a million pieces. Overall, it was an amazing musical. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling were cute together.


'In the end, it's not about popularity or even getting the guy. It's about understanding that no matter what label is thrown your way, only you can define yourself.'
RATING: 8.3/10; Really made me happy.
SUMMARY: A girl tries to change her image in school when she finds out that she's a duff - the designated, ugly, fat, friend; Based on a book by Kody Keplinger (I haven't read it).
REVIEW: I really love this movie. It was adorable and hilarious to watch. I love Mae Whitman as Bianca. It was a story about friends and accepting yourself for who you are. I love the story and the relationships between the characters. There were definitely cringe-worthy scenes that make me want to skip it (Because I knew it was too embarrassing or would end up humiliating Bianca) but it was still amazing. I hate that Madison's friend always kept appearing at random places. The mall I could understand but the forest in the middle of nowhere really? I love the love-hate relationship between Wes and Bianca at first but you could feel that they really knew each other well. I love how adorable they are towards each other. It's funny they broke the stereotypes between the Jocks and some other label. I hate Toby. I love Bianca's friends. Even though they weren't speaking, they still helped her (though it was kind of too late). I love that they made up and cleared up the misunderstanding. I love Bianca's mom too even though she randomly pops out. She's very supportive of her daughter and it was wonderful to see.


'There are some who call me...Tim'
RATING: 3.5/10
SUMMARY: King Arthur and his knights search for the Holy Grail.
REVIEW: It's not a bad movie, I just didn't appreciate many parts of it. It's not a type of movie I would normally like plus I actually don't like the story of King Arthur so yeah I'm kind of biased about this movie. There were still some parts that made me laugh but some parts I got annoyed. Plus, I didn't appreciate what happened in the end. It was very weird for me. The weird level that I do not like.


'I don't think you should leave this life without knowing how far you can go.'
RATING: 5.8/10
SUMMARY: After Veronika's failed attempt to commit suicide, she learns that she only has weeks to live; Based on a book by Paulo Coelho (Haven't read).
REVIEW: I actually felt overwhelmed by Veronika's decision in the beginning. I kind of kept looking for what really triggered her to commit suicide all throughout the movie (I mean sure what she said in the beginning may be her biggest reason but I thought there was more like if she lost a child or something since she mentioned a 2000 when asked when she was born which couldn't possible be 2000). I was not in the mood to appreciate the movie by the middle part. I was kind of bored and I felt weird at some of the things that was happening. The part that redeemed the movie for me was the plot twist part. I was really shocked by what happened but I was actually amazed that Dr. Blake thought of that. I was glad for the ending.


'And that's because the best things happen by chance.'
RATING: 8.8/10
SUMMARY: Dory finally remembers something from her past and triggers her to start a journey to find her family.
REVIEW: I really love this movie. It was full of adventure and fun. The majority of the characters made me really happy. Dory was so cute when she was little. I felt really sad when her backstory was discussed. It was really heartbreaking. I was glad that she finally remembered and got what she wanted in the end. The twist and turn of the events was exciting to watch. Hank was an adorable new character to see. Although he was kind of mean at first, he latched on to my heart. Destiny and Bailey were another additional lovely characters. I shipped them so much. Plus, the scenes with the otters was so cute!! I was very happy when I was watching this movie.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

| #T5W - Hate to Love Ships |

Top 5 Wednesday is group that was created by Lainey and is currently hosted by Samantha. A topic is posted every month wherein if you want to, you can post about your top 5 picks for said topics.

The topic for June 28th is "Hate to Love Ships" which may refer to a romance you didn't love at first but slowly warmed up to or a romance that started from hate (kind of a strong word) or maybe dislike then developed into love.
WARNING: Spoilers at some parts of the reasons!


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Elizabeth and Darcy disliked each other a lot in the major parts of the book. I love reading how they came to realize that they had a lot of misunderstandings about each other. The development of their relationship was wonderful to read.

SIDE NOTE: Read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies if you want more Elizabeth and Mr Darcy! That book is awesome.


Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Will did not hate Lou but he disliked the fact that he had another caretaker. He treated Lou badly at first but later on he grew fond of her. I love the days they spent together. They were really adorable together. I love how supportive Will is towards Lou and how much he motivated her to explore more about the world. I am really heartbroken by Will's decision in the end though.


The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter
Since this is a retelling of the story of Hades and Persephone, it's a given that Kate didn't like Henry at some point. I love this version of Hades and Persephone because it's not really Persephone. I love how much Kate cared for Henry when she finally realized that she did love him. Henry is a precious character and should be comforted and protected at all times. He was very protective and caring towards Kate and it was just perfect.


Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
Sydney doesn't necessarily hate Adrian but she was raised to hate vampires and they did argue a lot in the beginning. I love Adrian and I love that he got a happy ending in the Vampire Academy series (even though it was the spin-off). I love how suited they are for each other. I love seeing them bicker and support each other a lot throughout the series.


Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
They did not necessarily hate each other but at some point Karou hated Akiva. These two had to go through so much pain before finally getting what they wanted. The intense feelings and the peace that they wanted together was inspiring. The romance they had was wonderful to read.


The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
HONORABLE MENTION: I haven't finished all the books of this series that's why it's an honorable mention. Shazi hated Khalid a lot in the beginning of the book but later fell for him. I love reading the book because of the development between the two. I love how caring and protective Khalid is towards Shazi and how supportive Shazi is towards him.

| #T5W - Favorite "Unlikeable" Protagonists |

Top 5 Wednesday is group that was created by Lainey and is currently hosted by Samantha. A topic is posted every month wherein if you want to, you can post about your top 5 picks for said topics.

The topic for June 21st is "Favorite 'Unlikeable' Protagonists" which refers to the unlikeable characters you pulled for. 
WARNING: Spoilers at some parts of the reasons!
  1. JAIME LANNISTER FROM GAME OF THRONES: Jamie really did some very terrible things all throughout the series. He wasn't necessarily evil but he did very selfish things and hurt many people for the sake of the people that he cares for. However, at some point, I grew fond of him. When he was with Brienne, he became a less terrible person and I grew to like him. I really felt bad for him during the events that happened during the sixth season. I hope he survives but then again, everyone will probably die in game of thrones.
  2. EADLYN SCHREAVE FROM THE SELECTION BY KIERA CASS: I think many people didn't continue The Selection because of Eadlyn. Sure, she was quite annoying at first especially since she was so stubborn and spoiled. She didn't care about what the other people think of her much less what they feel. However, during the latter half of her first book and the second book, she had a great character development. I found her really interesting, lovable, fierce and overall amazing. She managed to show how she truly feels and act like a proper queen.
  3. NANNETTE DILLON FROM THE ROSEMARY BEACH SERIES BY ABBI GLINES: Nan was such a bitch on the majority of series. She hurt a lot of other characters but I think she was just misunderstood. Her mother didn't care for her much and she was really selfish when it comes to Rush. I liked that she had a book of her own and we managed to see how she thinks. Although her story is not my favorite, it was okay. I was happy that she managed to have a character development.
  4. ROSEMARIE HATHAWAY FROM THE VAMPIRE ACADEMY SERIES BY RICHELLE MEAD: I think I read somewhere that there are people who don't like Rose because she's a bitch and a bully which is somewhat true. There were times where she acted superior to other people but then again, she really was a badass. When I reread Vampire Academy, I understood why some people found her annoying. However, I still love her. I love how fierce she is and how much she cared for Lissa.
  5. HOLLAND VOSKJ FROM SHADES OF MAGIC BY VE SCHWAB: I really hated Holland especially during the second book. He was selfish. He didn't care about what would happen to other people as long as he gets what he wants. However, during the third book, I grew fond of him. He managed to redeem himself. I began to care for him and it broke my heart to read about his backstory. I was happy that he managed to find peace in the end.

And because I really wanted to add him to the list, SEVERUS SNAPE FROM HARRY POTTER BY JK ROWLING: Sure, Snape was selfish, he bullied the trio a lot and he's a deatheater but I really liked him. Maybe Alan Rickman's portrayal helped in that (he was awesome as Snape) but I really like the fact that even though he doesn't like Harry, he saved him a lot because of how much he loved Lily. 

Thursday 15 June 2017

| #T5W - Side Ships |

Top 5 Wednesday is group that was created by Lainey and is currently hosted by Samantha. A topic is posted every month wherein if you want to, you can post about your top 5 picks for said topics.

The topic for June 14th is "Side Ships" which refers to your favorite relationships that don't involve the protagonists. Refer to this post for the topic from the other weeks:

BEWARE: Has spoilers for the following series: Shades of Magic by VE Schwab, Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead, Infernal Devices and Mortal Instruments by Cassadra Clare, Harry Potter, and Friends.
PS: I couldn't limit it to 5 xD
  1. SERIES: Shades of Magic by VE Schwab
    SHIP: Alucard Emery and Rhy Maresh
    WHY: These two are so adorable. They had gone through so much before finally being able to happy together. I'm happy that they worked things out. I love the support, care, and love that they give to one another.
  2. SERIES: Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
    SHIP: Mik Vavra and Zuzana Novakova
    WHY: I love these two together! They gave happiness to a devastating scenario. They made Daughter of Smoke and Bone lighter on some parts. They supported Karou so much even though very weird things happened around her. I love the story of how they got together and their hinted possible future. I love how supportive Mik is towards Zuzana.
  3. SERIES: Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
    SHIP: Christian Ozera and Lissa Dragomir
    WHY: I love how rebellious their relationship is. I love that Christian supported Lissa with whatever she wanted and didn't care about her image. I feel that he made Lissa become more true to herself.
  4. SERIES: The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
    SHIP: Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood
    WHY: These two are perfect. I actually ship them more than the main pair (Clary and Jace). They are just so adorable together. They complement each other and I love seeing how their relationship developed all throughout the series. Although they had issues together, they were able to survive them and is comfortable right where they are currently in the The Dark Artifices series.
  5. SERIES: The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
    SHIP #1: Henry Branwell and Charlotte Fairchild
    WHY #1: So much misunderstanding for this pair at first. I love the part where they realized that their feelings for each other was real. I love how protective and supportive Henry is of Charlotte when she needs it. I loved how fierce Charlotte is and how chill Henry is. I think they match each other well.

    SHIP #2: Gideon Lightwood and Sophie Collins
    WHY #2: They were adorable together. I love how Gideon did not care about Sophie being a maid and being a mundane. I loved how he accepted Sophie wholeheartedly and how he continued to pursue her even though she was reluctant at first. After everything that Sophie experienced with her previous employer, I was happy that she got her happy ending.


SERIES: Harry Potter by JK Rowling
SHIP: Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks
WHY: Even though Remus was older than Tonks, I didn't care. I loved them together. I love how Tonks didn't care that Remus was a werewolf and stayed with him because she loved him. Their ending broke my heart so much.

TV SERIES: Friends
SHIP: Monica Geller and Chandler Bing
WHY: They are just so adorable together. I love how much they cared for one another even at first when they were just friends. I love how they became from friends to more than friends. I love how much they love each other. I cried because of how much feels I get from their relationship.

Monday 12 June 2017

| MOVIES - Disappointing Movies |

Here's a list of movie that either annoyed me so much, confused me or I thought was a waste of time. This is not arrange in any order.
  1. Sucker Punch: The special effects in this movie was really amazing but the story was confusing af about what was real and what was not in their world. I don't really remember much what happened here because I watched this ages ago. I just remember that I was disappointed because I was impressed by the trailer.

  2. Blaire Witch (2016): I did not like all the characters of this movie. I felt really annoyed at them so I did not care much about what would happen to them. I felt really bored towards the first half and then the second half happened so fast. Nothing much really happened just full of jump scare scenes which is shocking but not really scary. I don't know if it's because I did not watch the original but I really disliked this movie. 

  3. Fifty Shades of Black: Apparently I should steer away from any Fifty Shades of Grey parody because they make me angry. I did not like this parody and found it quite annoying at some points. Sure it was Marlon Wayans (the dude from White Chick) but I really did not like the film. It wasn't about the cast but the exaggerations. It annoyed me so much.

  4. Jack and Jill: The story wasn't really that bad but the cast was pretty annoying. I love Adam Sandler but they should have gotten another actress for Jill. He was really annoying when he played Jill. And that Dunkaccino crap. Oh my god so annoying.
  5. Billy Madison: I dislike this more than Jack and Jill. The movie felt really stupid and annoying. I dislike the fact that Billy gets away with most of the things he does and at the end he still gets a happy ending. (Again, I don't remember much because it's been years since I watched this).
  6. Tron: Legacy: I watched this in the cinema and at some point we were just making fun of it. The special effects was really amazing but the story and the whole film was really boring. Halfway down the movie we heard a guy snoring out loud. The only thing I liked in this movie is Olivia Wilde.
  7. Dude, Where's My Car?: This movie was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally annoying. I actually remember nothing just that it was really annoying. The only thing that I liked was the Chinese lady who kept asking, "And then?".
  8. Dumb and Dumber: I don't remember much which is great for me. I really did not like this because again, I was annoyed by everyone and everything.
  9. Predestination: I actually did not watch this whole film. I was doing something while my parents were watching it however I watched the latter half and was really confused and kind of disgusted about what the main character did. I really did not like that twist. It made me not want to watch it at all.
  10. Gone Girl: I finished this. I was really mad at the ending. It felt wrong and sick that after all the things that happened, she still got the ending that she wanted. I disliked her and everything that she did.
  11. Jupiter Ascending: Another case of I expected a lot but it did not deliver. I forgot what happened or I really did not focus when I was watching. I don't remember any part of the story. I remember it had a nice concept but it did not deliver well. I remember one joke that said that the movie was so bad that they can't even kill Sean Bean right.
  12. A Silent Voice: I actually waited for a long time for this. The trailer was really amazing and touching but the film was kind of confusing. I don't know why things happened and I was shocked at some points. I mean the lesson was great and all but I don't it was delivered that well. Maybe they removed a lot more information or detail from the original material. Plus, everything felt so rushed. Like things suddenly changed from scene to scene abruptly thus making it confusing.
  13. Sausage Party: Oh my god. One word: Traumatizing. When I watched the trailer I thought it was just going to be a chill movie however things escalated to a level that weirded me out in a bad way. I did not like the story and what happened as the story progressed. I think I deleted this afterwards. 

| MOVIES - Musical Suggestions |

No Disney Musicals here. 
  1. THE SOUND OF MUSIC: This is a classic. This is probably the only musical that my dad listens too. The songs are very amazing and the story between Maria and the Von Trapp Family are adorable and lovely. The development of Captain Von Trapp's character was heartwarming to see. Plus, Julie Andrews is an amazing singer and a lovely actress. She's the queen and I love that she's the actress for Maria. I love watching this randomly. It's a musical worth repeating over and over.
    Favorite Song: Edelweiss, Do Re Mi, My Favorite Things
  2. PHANTOM OF THE OPERA: Andrew Lloyd Webber is such an amazing composer. The songs in the phantom of the opera are 'hauntingly beautiful' and wonderful to listen too. The movie wasn't quite an impressive adaption but still the story between Raoul, Christine and Phantom was quite intriguing to watch. I also love the fact that the actor for Phantom in the film is Gerard Butler and I love watching him sing. It's an interesting musical to listen too.
    Favorite Song: Phantom of the Opera, All I Ask of You, Think of Me
  3. LOVE NEVER DIES: Love Never Dies is a sequel to Phantom of the Opera. It's not really a film but more like a recorded version of a real musical performed in a theater. Finding out what happened after the events in the Phantom of the Opera was quite interesting. However, some of the events here may clash with the ending and the development in the Phantom of the Opera movie. Assume an open mind while watching this because of that. I really love this musical. I love the songs except weirdly for the song 'Love Never Dies'. Ben Lewis is the perfect phantom for me. His voice is really amazing it gives me goosebumps.
    Favorite Song: Til I Hear You Sing, Bathing Beauty, Devil Take the Hindmost
  4. MISS SAIGON: Like in Love Never Dies, the copy I have of this is not really a film but more like a recorded version of a real musical performance in a theater. If you want to see Lea Salonga as Kim, I believe there is a complete copy in Youtube. I love the songs in Miss Saigon. There are some upbeat and some heartbreaking ones. I only watched the whole musical recently and it broke my heart. Kim was such an admirable character and her willingness to do everything for her son was amazing. Though it led to some heartbreaking events.
    Favorite Song: Sun and Moon, Last Night of the World, I Still Believe
  5. SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, and Alan Rickman, what more could you ask for? I really love the film version of this (I haven't seen any theater version). The songs are haunting and beautiful. It has a really dark tone all throughout the film and it's awesome. It's dark, gory and amazing. Johnny Deep is amazing as Sweeney Todd. The story is very suspenseful and heartbreaking especially in the end. It revolves around Sweeney's plot for revenge towards the judge who wrongfully convicted him to many years.
    Favorite Song: A Little Priest, No Place Like London, Poor Thing
  6. LES MISERABLES: I really disliked the film version of this musical because of Russell Crowe. Ugh. If you want to know the story you can watch it or watch the old version starring Liam Neeson and Geoffrey Rush. For the songs watch the 10th Anniversary Concert in Youtube. That's the amazing version. I love the songs of this musical. I actually read the book by Victor Hugo when I was in High School. It was interesting except for Marius's life story which was boring af. I love this because even though Jean Valjean was treated as a criminal for many years of his life, it did not change his outlook on life and his willingness to help others like the way the priest helped him.
    Favorite Song: On My Own, Master of the House, The Confrontation
  7. INTO THE WOODS: I actually did not like the musical very much because it was quite long and somewhat boring. Many point of view were seen and some were not at all interesting. The merging of the different fairy tales were interesting though. The thing that redeemed the whole movie to me was Meryl Streep's voice. I was really amazed by her singing. I also loved the songs but some I would have preferred to listen to another version. I love that the story revolves around the theme of be careful what you wish for. Plus, Chris Pine is Prince Charming. I loved the line, "I was raised to be charming, not sincere."
    Favorite Song: Prologue: Into the Woods, Agony, Stay With Me
  8. CHICAGO: I love the fact that it revolves around the crime that Roxie committed and the events were told via song and/or dance numbers. It was very entertaining to watch. I also love the songs since they were quite Jazzy. There were some song-dance productions that were really amazing to see.
    Favorite Song: Mr. Cellophane, All That Jazz, Cell Block Tango

Sunday 11 June 2017

| MOVIES - Disappointing Book to Movie Adaptation |

  1. VAMPIRE ACADEMY: I love the books and I really disliked the casts for the characters (except for Dominic Sherwood as Christian Ozera). They were not the casts I imagined in my head while reading it. For some reason, the Rose here annoyed me so much it affected my whole perspective on the movie. I also did not like the way the story was shown. Sure, it followed most of the events in the book but for some reason I really did not appreciate it. Plus, I did not like the CGI for the psi-hounds and the make up and props for the vampires felt cheap. I wish a reboot would be made with a better cast. I actually cannot remember much in the movie while I was writing this because it came out years ago.
  2. THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES: At first I really wasn't disappointed by the film however the more I think about it, the more I realize it's flaws. I really liked majority of the casts for this film. That was one of the reasons why I wasn't disappointed at first. I really looooved Godfrey Gao. However, I really hated the cast for Valentine. He looked nothing like the Valentine in the book. I think it would have been better if the cast for Valentine was the actor for Pangborn (Kevin Durand). Jonathan Rhys Meyers may be an amazing actor however he was not Valentine for me. He felt really small and thin as Valentine. Valentine in my mind should be able to carry Jace and a well-built man. That was the biggest let down of the movie for me. The next issue would be how the story was portrayed. The Shadowhunter World that Cassandra Clare created was an amazing one and the movie did not give it justice. I hated how the story progressed. The script could've been made better. I don't know much about the reboot which is a series because the first season did not impress me and I haven't continued the second season yet.
  3. PERCY JACKSON: SEA OF MONSTERS: The costume and make up for the characters and the design for the camp half blood was impressive since they tried to be more accurate to the book. The cast were amazing as well (I loved seeing Nathan Fillion as Hermes and Tyson was really adorable). HOWEVER, the script. Oh the script was so bad. It diverted so much from the book and I really did not like how it progressed. I hated the fact that Kronus appeared at the end??? Like, whaaaaat?? Plus, they replaced PIERCE FREAKIN BROSNAN AS CHIRON. UNACCEPTABLE.
  4. ME BEFORE YOU: I actually liked this film. I loved Emilia Clarke as Lou. She was perfect for it. She was exactly everything I imagined Lou would be from the books. I loved how they followed the book. The cinematography was very beautiful and amazing. The only reason why I was disappointed at this film was because they lessened the pain. They removed the essential parts in the books that broke my heart. Will's tattoo and the backstory about Lou and why she doesn't leave. They made the story more light. The trailer broke my heart more than the actual movie.
  5. THE FAULT IN OUR STARS: I really really adored Ansel Elgort as Augustus Waters and Nat Wolff as Isaac. The story really followed the book. However, I did not like Shailene Woodley as Hazel. I really did not feel anything for her. I did not like her acting and it made me sad because the scenes that were supposed to be really heartbreaking wasn't that much heartbreaking for me because of her. Plus, they changed the last line. The last line was supposed to be, "I do Augustus, I do". That line really broke my heart and I hate that they removed it. It was the perfect line ending because I remember one post in tumblr where one of the people who read it, read the last page first and they thought it was a happy ending since he/she thought the last line was Hazel accepting Gus's proposal and he/she was so wrong.

| BOOKS I READ IN 2020 |

I managed to finish my Goodreads reading challenge this year. Hooray! I re-read 15 books, but still, I managed to read 30 (8 are manga). Als...