'Sometimes, losing people is part of life. But that doesn't mean you stop letting them in.'RATING: 8.5/10
SUMMARY: Batman must fight the villains who are trying to take over Gotham City.
REVIEW: I actually don't like batman but I really love this movie. It was a fun watch. It had action, adventure, and a heartfelt storyline. I love the humor and the way it makes fun of batman. Batman rapping/beatboxing is a bit weird. I love that even though it had some wild assortments of characters at some point it wasn't confusing. It had a real story and the animation was fun. The batman here had more character development than the actual batman films. He was able to change his ways and learn what's truly important. I really love the end credits too because the song and the dance number was really fun to watch. This movie made me really happy.
REVIEW: I actually don't like batman but I really love this movie. It was a fun watch. It had action, adventure, and a heartfelt storyline. I love the humor and the way it makes fun of batman. Batman rapping/beatboxing is a bit weird. I love that even though it had some wild assortments of characters at some point it wasn't confusing. It had a real story and the animation was fun. The batman here had more character development than the actual batman films. He was able to change his ways and learn what's truly important. I really love the end credits too because the song and the dance number was really fun to watch. This movie made me really happy.

'Remember when I said that all marriage are savable? Well, it ain't gonna happen for you guys.'RATING: 7.3/10
SUMMARY: Three moms decided to stop overworking themselves.
REVIEW: This movie was really fun to watch. It will make you realize how hard a mother works for her children. Even though they really did some bad things, you can feel the love they have for their children. They just want some break sometimes. Make sure you appreciate your parents for how they raised and took care of you. I love the end credits when the cast's mothers came to discuss some of the things they did when their children was young. Plus, I just found out that there is a sequel and I'm so excited!
REVIEW: This movie was really fun to watch. It will make you realize how hard a mother works for her children. Even though they really did some bad things, you can feel the love they have for their children. They just want some break sometimes. Make sure you appreciate your parents for how they raised and took care of you. I love the end credits when the cast's mothers came to discuss some of the things they did when their children was young. Plus, I just found out that there is a sequel and I'm so excited!

RATING: 2.5/10
SUMMARY: A woman lost her wealth after she was imprisoned and she tried to look for a way to get back on the top.
REVIEW: Even though I like the cast, I did not like this movie. I found it quite weird for my taste. It was on a level of weird that bordered on bad for me. There were some scenes that were cringe-worthy (most are of Peter Dinklage). I did not feel anything for the characters and the plot. I was really disappointed since two of my favorite actors are here (Kristen Bell and Peter Dinklage).
REVIEW: Even though I like the cast, I did not like this movie. I found it quite weird for my taste. It was on a level of weird that bordered on bad for me. There were some scenes that were cringe-worthy (most are of Peter Dinklage). I did not feel anything for the characters and the plot. I was really disappointed since two of my favorite actors are here (Kristen Bell and Peter Dinklage).

RATING: 6/10
SUMMARY: A couple of single people tried to look for love, relationships and what it meant to be single.
REVIEW: It was a pretty decent film. Not much happened except for Alice's search for someone to love and her partying with Robin. I think this is the first time that I enjoyed a movie with Rebel Wilson in it. It was pretty simple but enjoyable to watch. I love Meg's subplot. I love Leslie Mann. She's so cute as Alice's sister and her relationship with the guy (I forgot his name) was pretty adorable.
REVIEW: It was a pretty decent film. Not much happened except for Alice's search for someone to love and her partying with Robin. I think this is the first time that I enjoyed a movie with Rebel Wilson in it. It was pretty simple but enjoyable to watch. I love Meg's subplot. I love Leslie Mann. She's so cute as Alice's sister and her relationship with the guy (I forgot his name) was pretty adorable.

RATING: 5.8/10
SUMMARY: A teacher plans to have a fist fight with another teacher for telling on him to the principal.
REVIEW: I was reluctant to watch this but my bestfriend kept telling me to. I admit it was a pretty nice film. However, I don't like this type of movie so I'm a bit low on the rating. I like that Andy was able to face his fears. I love that he allowed his daughter to do what she wanted. That was a pretty hilarious scene. Plus, Sean's dad in Psych is here! It was funny watching him be chased by a mariachi band all day because of the senior prank day.
REVIEW: I was reluctant to watch this but my bestfriend kept telling me to. I admit it was a pretty nice film. However, I don't like this type of movie so I'm a bit low on the rating. I like that Andy was able to face his fears. I love that he allowed his daughter to do what she wanted. That was a pretty hilarious scene. Plus, Sean's dad in Psych is here! It was funny watching him be chased by a mariachi band all day because of the senior prank day.

WHY HIM (18)
RATING: 5.9/10
SUMMARY: A girl introduces her boyfriend to her family and her dad doesn't like him.
REVIEW: There were some funny scenes but I was kind of disappointed because I didn't find it hilarious enough. I love the fact that Key is there and Kaley Cuoco's voice. There were so many random things that happened between the Fleming's and Laird that I found it too weird sometimes. And even though I have nothing against profanities, Laird used too much of them. The ending was pretty cute though.
REVIEW: There were some funny scenes but I was kind of disappointed because I didn't find it hilarious enough. I love the fact that Key is there and Kaley Cuoco's voice. There were so many random things that happened between the Fleming's and Laird that I found it too weird sometimes. And even though I have nothing against profanities, Laird used too much of them. The ending was pretty cute though.

'I love you. I'll wait for you. Come back. Come back to me.'RATING: 7.5/10
SUMMARY: A girl ruined someone's life and happiness because of a lie.
REVIEW: I found the film amazing but it caused me so much pain. I shipped Robbie and Cecilia so much and I just ugh. James McAvoy as Robbie looked so much precious here. Keira Knightley is love. I still hate Briony for what she did. She never redeemed herself for me. I also hate that Briony deprived Lola of justice too. She ruined so many lives with the lie she told just because she's jealous/bitter.
REVIEW: I found the film amazing but it caused me so much pain. I shipped Robbie and Cecilia so much and I just ugh. James McAvoy as Robbie looked so much precious here. Keira Knightley is love. I still hate Briony for what she did. She never redeemed herself for me. I also hate that Briony deprived Lola of justice too. She ruined so many lives with the lie she told just because she's jealous/bitter.

'You should write a book: How To Offend Women In Five Syllables or Less.'RATING: 6.5/10
SUMMARY: An evil sorcerer cursed a princess into transforming to a swan every night.
REVIEW: This is one of my childhood memories. I remember loving it so much when I was young but when I watched it recently I wasn't that amazed. It was still fun. There were hilarious scenes and lines. The prince was kind of an idiot in the beginning but redeems himself throughout the movie. I kept pointing out plot holes when I watched it recently that's why I wasn't as amazed as I used to. Maybe it was because I wasn't able to appreciate the songs since the people I watched it with don't really enjoy musicals who knows. I love Speed though. He was a fun character.
REVIEW: This is one of my childhood memories. I remember loving it so much when I was young but when I watched it recently I wasn't that amazed. It was still fun. There were hilarious scenes and lines. The prince was kind of an idiot in the beginning but redeems himself throughout the movie. I kept pointing out plot holes when I watched it recently that's why I wasn't as amazed as I used to. Maybe it was because I wasn't able to appreciate the songs since the people I watched it with don't really enjoy musicals who knows. I love Speed though. He was a fun character.
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