SYNOPSIS: A group of emoji's go their way inside the phone to repair a fellow emoji who is about to be removed from the system.
RATING: 6.3/10
REVIEW: I really don't know why many people hated this movie. I honestly enjoyed it though maybe because I wasn't at the mood to over think stuff when I watched it. It was just a simple movie with a simple story and I found it quite fun. I really liked the animation. I found it bright and entertaining. I also loved high-five so I enjoyed his humor even if it was corny.
SHOULD YOU WATCH IT: If you want something bright and very light, yes.
WOULD I WATCH IT AGAIN: Probably not. Unless I want to show it to someone else.
WOULD I WATCH IT AGAIN: Probably not. Unless I want to show it to someone else.

- I really like that they were able to rescue high-five.
- The boss emoji was psycho as fuck.
- I like that it was revealed that Gene's father was also like him. They both couldn't control their emotions.
- I like that it was revealed that Jailbreak was one of the princess emoji.