Tuesday, 22 May 2018

| MOVIE - The Emoji Movie |

No Breathing Poster


A group of emoji's go their way inside the phone to repair a fellow emoji who is about to be removed from the system.
RATING: 6.3/10
REVIEW: I really don't know why many people hated this movie. I honestly enjoyed it though maybe because I wasn't at the mood to over think stuff when I watched it. It was just a simple movie with a simple story and I found it quite fun. I really liked the animation. I found it bright and entertaining. I also loved high-five so I enjoyed his humor even if it was corny.

SHOULD YOU WATCH IT: If you want something bright and very light, yes.
WOULD I WATCH IT AGAIN: Probably not. Unless I want to show it to someone else.

  • I really like that they were able to rescue high-five.
  • The boss emoji was psycho as fuck.
  • I like that it was revealed that Gene's father was also like him. They both couldn't control their emotions.
  • I like that it was revealed that Jailbreak was one of the princess emoji.

Monday, 21 May 2018

| REACTION - Charmed 2018 Reboot Trailer |

STORY: It's about three sisters who discover that they are the most powerful witches of their generation. 

First of all, I really love the original series starring Alyssa Milano, Holly Marie Combs, Rose McGowan, and Shannen Doherty. It was such a fun series.

  • I really didn't like the cast. I know they probably can't cast the original ones but they could've chosen better ones. The first two sisters could work but the third one just looked so wrong with them. She isn't even in the same height level. It just seems so wrong. 
  • It's stupid to call it a reboot when it didn't look like it followed the story of the original one. They just used the characters and the basic plot. 
  • I did not like that they changed Phoebe's powers. Sure, mind reading seems amazing but it seems to powerful for a basic power.
  • I did not like that they changed the basic story of how they got their power. It seems that it will be more directed to them looking for the thing that killed their mother rather than just focusing on developing their powers and helping innocent people.
  • Everything looked cheesy. I did not like the cinematography and effects for the demon. Nothing exceptional about the lines (the original had witty and funny lines) and the acting seems subpar.
  • WHAT THE HELL IS AN ENGLISH INSTRUCTOR DOING THERE??? The guy also looks to old to be Leo character.
  • Also, where the hell is Prue's character? Why did they immediately add Paige's character??
  • There was nothing outstanding about this from the trailer. 
  • Overall, it's just so disappointing that I just want to remove this from my mind. We started binge watching the original one to forget this.

: Most likely no. I don't want to get angry and sad.
SHOULD YOU WATCH THIS: If you are a fan of the original Charmed, most likely no or try to not think about the original one. However, if you are new here, it's alright to try it (but try watching the original too).

| MOVIE - The Hunchback of Notre Dame |

Hunchbackposter.jpgTHE HUNCHBACK OF

SYNOPSIS: A gypsy and a deformed bell ringer teams up together to overthrow an oppressive leader.
RATING: 8.8/10


  • I really like the story and the touching parts. It was also full of issues about society and will really get you into thinking afterwards.
  • I really like the songs. Especially the ones with the Latin chants. It sounded amazing and it suited the scenes.
  • I like the scenes. Especially during the fight. The church of Notre Dame looked so beautiful and amazing. 
  • Quasimodo is just a precious person that should be protected at all cost. He's so kind towards others even after all that happened to him.
  • Frollo's expression and reactions are so meme worthy. They are either too funny to look at or too infuriating.
  • A nod to the gargoyles named Victor and Hugo (in reference to Victor Hugo, the author of the book).
SHOULD YOU WATCH IT: Yes. It was an amazing movie.

Friday, 18 May 2018

| BOOK - Cast Long Shadows by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan |


'Later Matthew would look back and remember it as his last happy day.'

SYNOPSIS: A story about Matthew Fairchild, Charlotte and Henry's son.
RATING: 4.75/5

  • It had an interesting story that might be an important background to Matthew Fairchild's character in the Last Hour series.
  • I really love Matthew. He's a fun character and I love his friendship with Jamie, Thomas, and Christopher.
  • Even though it's just a short story, you'll go through a roller coaster of emotions. Many fun and heartbreaking things happen.
  • I really prefer Cassie's shadowhunter books that are set in London. I love reading her writing here.
  • It's fun to see the characters from the Infernal Devices series. 

SHOULD YOU READ IT: Sure. It was a quick read but you should probably read Cassandra Clare's previous works (mainly The Infernal Devices).


"Friends who were easy to get might be easy to lose."

"There can be no trespass when you are always welcome."

"They sell heartbreak as well as dreams."
"Is Christopher Lightwood upon the premises? Is our Market shortly to be engulfed in flames?"
"No", Matthew said, sounding amusd. 'Christopher is at home.'
"At home in Idris?"
"In the Lightwoods' London home, but it is far away."
"Not far enough!" decided Ragnor Fell. "I shall decamp to Paris forthwith."

"Watch the test tubes!" cried Thomas.
"There is a hole in the floor at the Academy that Professor Fell calls the Christopher Lightwood chasm."

"Come to me, Jamie that we might share a manly embrace."
He made incursions upon Jamie's person. James thwacked him over the head with his book. It was a large book.
"Betrayed," said Matthew, writhing prone upon the floor. "Is that why you insist on carrying about enormous tomes everywhere you go, that you might insist violence upon innocent persons? Done to death by my best friend - my heart's brother - my own dear parabatai -"

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

| MOVIE - Ever After |



SYNOPSIS: A more realistic adaptation of Cinderella.
RATING: 10/10

  • NOTE: I have watched this movie a lot. I can't even count how many times.
  • I really love this movie. This is the best adaptation of Cinderella for me (it's even better than the original one for me). 
  • I love how to story panned out. It's more realistic and there was a relationship even before the ball. Plus, there was justice in the end.
  • Danielle is an amazing character. She's not passive like the typical Cinderella. You would really cheer for her throughout the movie. I love that she played by Drew Barrymore. 
  • Also, I really like the historical setting of the movie. It gave the movie a much more realistic tone. 

SHOULD YOU WATCH IT: Yes!! Absolutely!!


V.I.P. (브이아이피).jpgV.I.P

SYNOPSIS: The Korean police chase after a serial killer.
RATING: 7.5/10

  • The story was really interesting but there were parts that seemed too slow (scenes without action). By the second half of the movie, there were twist and turns happened made things a lot better.
  • You would get really mad at most of the scenes but the ending was very good. 
  • There are so many morbid/brutal scenes. I almost stopped watching in the beginning because of it.
  • Action scenes were really good and intense.
  • I was shocked to see Peter Stormare (Lucifer from Constantine movie) here.
  • I was really amazed at Lee Jong Suk here because he was so scary at some of the scenes. This is the first time I saw him as a villain and he did a great job especially since his previous characters were good guys.
  • Jang Dong Gun and Kim Myung-min were amazing in their respective roles.
SHOULD YOU WATCH IT: Your choice. Take note that there are many morbid scenes.

| KOREAN MOVIE - Cheese in the Trap |

Cheese in the Trap (치즈인더트랩).jpgCHEESE IN THE TRAP

SYNOPSIS: The story is about the difficult relationship between Hong Seol and Yoo Jung.
RATING: 3/10

  • Don't get me wrong. I really like the story of this webtoon (source material - I haven't read it only watched the kdrama).  I just didn't like this adaptation. It made the story confusing. In the korean drama, every bit of the story was shown (especially in the first nine episodes). Here, only the major parts were shown and some weren't really connected to what was happening to the previous parts. It wasn't a coherent storyline.
  • I thought that this movie was supposed to fix the weak ending of the korean drama. However, that didn't happen. The movie just wrapped things up neatly in a bow.
  • I prefer the cast of the korean drama. The acting of the cast here was weak. All of the cast of the kdrama were great. Why didn't wait for Kim Go Eun!!!
  • The only reason that I was able to finish this is because of Park Hae Jin.
  • Beautiful cinematography though. Points for that.
SHOULD YOU WATCH IT: No. It will be much better to watch the korean drama.

| KOREAN MOVIE - No Breathing |

No Breathing Poster


SYNOPSIS: A talented swimmer rediscovers his passion for swimming.
RATING: 9/10

  • I really liked this movie. The story was simple but it was full of fun and emotional moments. The characters were full of life and they had passion for the things they were doing. It was inspiring to see how much the characters pushed themselves to be the very best in their fields. 
  • I really loved the friendship that developed between Woo-Sang, Won Il, Jung Dong, and Dae-Chan. They were a fun bunch and they made the movie a lot more interesting to watch. 
  • I love the fact that there was no serious fight over a girl. They focused more on the competition about swimming.
  • Seo In Guk's acting was wonderful. His acting during the carefree moments were very funny. I love that they always baited him into doing something by giving him food.
  • Fangirled over Lee Jong Suk a lot. 
  • Also, the cinematography was very good. The places that were shown in the movie were very beautiful. I loved the fact that there was a scene in the Philippines!
SHOULD YOU WATCH IT: Yes. If you  want to watch something simple, fun, and inspiring. Plus, Lee Jong Suk <3

| BOOKS I READ IN 2020 |

I managed to finish my Goodreads reading challenge this year. Hooray! I re-read 15 books, but still, I managed to read 30 (8 are manga). Als...