"He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy."SYNOPSIS: The guardians continue with their adventure and they encounter a man who claims that he is Quill's father.
RATING: 7/10
I did not love this as much as the first one. It was still a pretty interesting and had a decent plot but I did not like that the whole movie focused on trying to be funny. Sure, there were a lot of funny parts but there were also parts that I thought that it was just trying to push that it was funny. I didn't get why the characters were so amused (especially when in comes to Drax).
Still, the animation was on spot. The scenes had designs that are pretty amazing to look at. It was so bright and colorful. The interaction of the characters were fun to watch. The actors did a great job portraying their roles. Plus, baby Groot was very very adorable. I loved watching everyone protect him and carry him around.
Overall, the movie was still enjoyable to watch just don't expect to much from the story.

"The goddamn pen is blue!"SYNOPSIS: A lawyer can't lie for 24 hours because of a birthday wish made by his son.
RATING: 9.5/10
I have watched this movie a lot and it still makes me very happy. I even remember some or maybe most of the lines. It's a very entertaining movie especially since Jim Carrey is the lead actor. Jim Carrey is one of the actors that doesn't annoy me if/when they overact a character. His performance here was very fun and appropriate for the character and the scenarios he play. I think that the movie had a deeper meaning especially towards father who prioritize work over their family. It was such an entertaining and feel good movie.

"Your fun is only limited by your imagination."SYNOPSIS: Skeeter Bronson, a hotel handman, was able to change his life because of the bedtime stories that his nephews created which magically came true.
RATING: 9/10
I have already watched this movie many times and it still made me happy. It had a strait forward and light story but it was really enjoyable. It was full of comedic and touching scenes. The children were very adorable and entertaining to watch. The story that they created and the way that it was shown in the movie was magical. I love the twists that reflected on Skeeter's real life based on the stories. Plus, Bugsy was pretty funny to look at.

"If there isn't enough love for both of us, I'd like to give you all of mine."SYNOPSIS: A boss baby was forced to work with his older brother to uncover the plot of the CEO of Puppy Co.
RATING: 9/10
I really loved this movie. The story was not really that unique but the way it panned out was very entertaining to watch. The relationship between Tim and the Baby was very lovely to watch develop. They had many hilarious interactions all throughout the movie. Many scenes made me really laugh out loud and the scenes including many many babies (in the Baby Co.) made me squeal a lot because they were too adorable. I couldn't stop grinning. Plus, it was hilarious to listen to the Boss Baby especially since he was voiced by Alec Baldwin. It was a very feel good and heartwarming movie and I don't understand why there were many bad reviews for it.

SYNOPSIS: When a group of old men lost their pension after a robbery in their bank, they decided to rob the bank.
RATING: 7/10
The movie was quite entertaining. The veteran actors such as Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine portrayed their characters appropriately and amazingly. The lead characters had so much chemistry that it was very funny to see them interact. You would also worry about them because they seem like fragile old men. It was such a fun and feel good movie.

SYNOPSIS: Things go wrong on a bachelorette party.
RATING: 4/10
It felt like a female version of Hangover only things really did go wrong. It wasn't really that bad but I did not like any of the characters (I felt that Scarlet wasn't really suited for this movie) and the places the story went. Some parts even made me cringe. It's also supposed to be a comedy but I did not find most of the scenes funny. The only good thing about the movie was probably the ending.

SYNOPSIS: Kenshin was sent to Tokyo in order to fight Shishio, a man who is attempting t overthrow the Meiji government.
RATING: 6.8/10
The movie wasn't bad. I just had an issue with it because of three things: the change of background for Aoshi, the non-existent fight with the Juppongatana, and the way that the movie ended. Also, I did not feel anything for majority of the casts especially with Sano and Sanosuke. I felt that they could have found someone better. They also wasted the potential of some characters like with the Juppongatana and the Oniwabanshu.
Still, the movie followed most of the events in the anime. They also did a great job with the choreography of the fights and the cinematography. The people who have no background in the anime and/or manga would probably enjoy this better.
Overall, the movie was still good but it could have been better.

SYNOPSIS: Kenshin is still trying to finish his mission to defeat Makoto Shishio.
RATING: 6.5/10
This movie had a very slow pacing. I got bored in the beginning. I had no expectations from the story line prior to the final battle because that was not included in the anime but it was alright. I still did not feel anything for majority of the characters especially Shishio.
Still, the movie maintained it's excellent cinematography and wonderful choreography for the fighting scenes. The final battle was able to satisfy the expectations from it (though sometimes I felt that Aoshi was just randomly slashing at the air).
Overall, the finale did not disappoint but it did not amaze me.
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