I saw the trailer for this before and I found it interesting. When I saw that it was available, I decided to watch it. I really liked it. I found Tom Ellis as Lucifer quite fun. He was really sarcastic throughout the episode. Plus, his accent. It was quite weird watching a Lucifer that was kind of nice and merciful though but I liked it. I'm excited for the next episodes!


- I really like the animation with Amenadiel's wings. It looked so cool.
- Tom Ellis really portrayed Lucifer in a interesting and fun way. His humor and lines were funny and he was such a badass character during serious scenes. You would really feel scared when he was mad.
- I like Chloe and Lucifer together. They got attached to each other easily even though they had nothing in common at first. I find their relationship interesting and fun to watch.
- I like the scenes where Lucifer interacted with Trixie. She really liked him and it was fun watching him act towards her because he didn't like children.

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