Monday 5 November 2018

| BOOK - City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab |


"Watch and listen, see and know. This is what you are."'

SYNOPSIS: A story a girl who started to see ghosts after she almost died.

RATING: 4.25/5
The plot isn't really that unique but it's interesting to see how Victoria Schwab wrote her version. I love how the story unfolded and the way she wrote about the setting allowed you to imagine it vividly. There were creepy moments especially whenever the different restless ghosts were mentioned. Nothing mind blowing happened but it is enjoyable.

You won't fall in love with the characters but you'll find them interesting. I love Jacob. His sarcasm and reactions to things Cassidy did was very entertaining to read about. I love how he seems to genuinely care for Cassidy. The villain was also interesting to read about. She's not really evil but rather super twisted.

Overall, it was such a simple and short read but really interesting. I'm really interested in continuing the series when the next book comes out.

SHOULD YOU READ IT: If you want something short but interesting then yes.

Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there.

The living may take strength from love and hope, but the dead grow strong on darker things. On pain and anger and regret.

I can't read his, but all things considered, I would rather be alive and not psychic than psychic and a ghost.
He looks up at the word ghost and clears his throat. "I prefer the phrase 'corporeally challenged.'"

But when you take a photograph, things stay still. The way that they were, is the way that they are, is the way that they will always be. 
Which is why I love pictures.

"Fine, seven," I say as we reach my street, "but I get final approval. And no Batman."
He looks aghast. "You heathen."

So my parents talk about-- or write about-- ghosts, but can't actually see them.
I can actually see ghosts, but don't want to talk-- or write --about them. 

I'm pretty sure that's called irony.

As Mom and I make our way to the graveyard, I can practically hear Jacob in my head, uttering a low, sarcastic yaaaaaay.

"Stories have power," she says. "So long as you believe them."

"Well, this is a whole lot of nope," says Jacob, backing away.

This isn't so bad, I think, right before Mom tells me that it used to be an execution ground. Why am I even surprised?

Dad gestures to a low stone slab, a marker on the ground. "See that, Cassidy? Hundreds were put to death right here."
The Veil turns leaden as I reach out to run my hand along the marker.
"Haha noooo," says Jacob, shooing me away.

"You've always been so sensitive to those things."
"Drowning didn't help," offers Jacob cheerfully. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Don't freak out," I say slowly.
His eyes narrow. "That's really not the way to start a sentence if you want me to stay calm."

"Watch and listen, see and know. This is what you are."

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