Monday 3 September 2018

| MOVIE - Hereditary |

Toni Collette and Milly Shapiro in Hereditary (2018)


PSISA grieving family experiences unnatural things.

RATING: 2.5/10
I really disliked this movie. It was intriguing in the beginning but not even halfway through the movie, things got boring. It had a very slow pacing and everything got confusing. The story went to weird directions and the ending sucked. Probably would have been better if there were back stories about the grandma. 

I absolutely felt nothing for the characters even though they were experiencing terrible things. The movie didn't feel like a horror to me. Sure, there were some jump-scare scenes but I really didn't feel scared. 

The actor for Peter didn't look anything like his family members. It distracted me because you can really see that they are not related in real life. Toni Colette's acting was great but I felt that at times it seems like she was overacting for a scene which resulted to me not appreciating some scenes more.

It didn't live up to the high rating it got on imdb for me. 

SHOULD YOU WATCH IT: Absolutely not (unless you want to waste 2 hours of your life).

| BOOK - A Deeper Love by Cassandra Clare |


Age had not consumed him, as it had her Will, but he might be taken from her all the same.'

SYNOPSIS: A story about Brother Zachariah, Tessa Gray, and Catarina Loss.

REVIEW: Again, nothing much happens in this book. We get to see Tessa and Jem together but that's it. It was interesting seeing Catarina at work though. She helped so many people during the war and I'm glad that Jem got to tell her something important.

SHOULD YOU READ IT: Yes, it was a quick read.

This was a game they sometimes played-- what will you eat first when this war is over? Of all the terrible things that were going on, sometimes the most ordinary ran the deepest.

There was nothing worse than being left alone, the one you loved ripped from you.

Constant activity kept grief at bay because there was no time to think.

Being what I am, how can I comfort you? asked Jem.
"If you cannot," said Tessa, "there is nobody in this world who can."

She could love enough for both of them. Any part of Jem was better than all of any other man alive.

"So many problems are caused by unnecessary secrets."

"Danger?" she said. "Jem, I am immortal. And look outside. Look at the city burning. The only thing I am frightened of is being without those I love.

| BOOKS I READ IN 2020 |

I managed to finish my Goodreads reading challenge this year. Hooray! I re-read 15 books, but still, I managed to read 30 (8 are manga). Als...